Top Reasons to Visit Madagascar, Africa

Photo by Roman Laschov on Unsplash

Madagascar is another beautiful location which is often overlooked by travelers. Here are a handful of the many, many reasons why you should add Madagascar to your travel list.

The Lemurs

The movie wasn’t lying, there are hundreds of lemurs in Madagascar. You can visit them in national parks or hang out with them at some of the hotels.

Whale Watching

Between the months of July and September, you can catch the lump back whales heading out to see. Madagascar is consequently a spectacular location for whale watching.

It’s Affordable

Local food is very cheap in Madagascar and hotel stays are cheap. You can enjoy a better quality of life with less money here.

The People

The people of Madagascar are some of the kindest and most generous people you will meet. They are trustworthy and will go the extra mile to make sure you enjoy your stay.

There Is So Much To Do!

There are endless activities to do in Madagascar. Whether you enjoy adventurous activities like rock climbing or prefer to snorkel or even go diving, you’ll never be bored here.

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#iamtb 🦕 . 🤳 @viajeros_360 .. 📍🇲🇬 Madagascar . ・ 🇬🇧 When reality exceeds all expectations … Thank you Madagascar for that! From day one we felt completely in love. A hard country, full of contrasts, difficult to travel … but where its people receive you like at home, where at every step your eyes meet with a smile, where the landscapes bristle your skin and see the nature makes you jump like a child. A country that gets into your emotions, at times squeezes your heart and makes others gallop with happiness … that brings you to tears, the beautiful ones and the not so pretty ones. A country that shook us completely, in every way. 🇪🇸 Cuando la realidad supera todas las expectativas… Gracias Madagascar por tanto!! Desde el día uno nos enamoraste por completo. Un país duro, lleno de contrastes, difícil de recorrer… pero donde su gente te recibe como en casa, donde a cada paso tus ojos se encuentran con una sonrisa, donde los paisajes te erizan la piel y ver la naturaleza te hace saltar como niño. Un país que se mete en tus emociones, que por momentos te estruja el corazón y por otros lo hace galopar de felicidad… que te lleva a las lágrimas, de las lindas y de las no tan lindas. Un país que nos sacudió por completo, en todo sentido. . #madagascar #baobab #baobabs #morondava #africa #thisisafrica #loveafrica #africanature #travelgoals #travelcouple #goals #viajar #viajaresvivir #drone #dronestagram #dronepic #sunrise

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