These Are The Best Tips To Save For A Vacation

Budgeting App
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

In these tough economic times, one of the first things many of us sacrifice is time spent away. Whilst this is understandable, and often unavoidable, having a vacation is a great way to boost health and happiness. If money is tight but you’d like to try and get away this year, check out these tips on how to save for and plan a budget break.

Set Your Savings

Set up your banking app so that a set amount of money is transferred into a savings pot as soon as you get paid. Even if this is only $50, over a six month period you will have saved $300 towards a break. Whilst this won’t buy you a five star stay in the Caribbean, there are ways to have a great vacation on a low budget, so setting up a savings goal is the essential first step.

Be Flexible

If you don’t fixate on one single destination, you can save a lot of money by looking for last minute travel deals. Don’t forget to check train as well as flight options, and look into options such as rail cards to see if this could cut some money off of your journey.

Consider Location

If you’re looking to stay in a city, investigate whether it’s worth staying just outside the city and taking public transport in. Sometimes this can halve your accommodation bill, and staying outside of the center can also be quieter and more peaceful.