How to Pack For a City Break

Photo by Andrea Cau on Unsplash

City breaks are often short, busy vacations, where you’re moving from museum to cafe to bar. In some ways, these shorter breaks are easier to pack for – so why do we always end up taking all the wrong things and buying at least one extra item of clothing to plug this gap when we’re away? If you’re struggling to get city break packing right, check out these three essential items which will save you room and time.

Versatile Pants

Whether your pair of versatile pants is a loose-legged capri, some wide-legged jeans, or a pair of chic cigarette pants, you want one pair (no more!) of pants that will go with anything you throw at them. Steer clear of patterned pants, and think carefully about the waist – if they’re really low-slung, they may not work with looser tops.

One Good Overlayer

Your overlayer may be a cashmere jumper that looks great with a dress or jeans, or that cardigan that you can leave unbuttoned or done up. The point is, unless you’re going somewhere super cold, you’ll be in and out of heated buildings so much that one good jumper or sweater will suffice. Try and choose a versatile color, black, white, and caramel are classics for good reasons.


Even if you’re a committed stiletto fan, you have to admit that when you’re wandering around a new city, flats make the trip much more comfortable. This doesn’t mean they need to be boring – go for neon loafers or silver ballet pumps. Flats can be made more interesting with some cool socks, try a mesh design or some fine lace socks.

These essentials will take the stress out of city break packing and ensure you have a chic, effortless trip.