Start With Beginner Hikes Before the Big Ones

Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash

If you’re starting to get into hiking, welcome to the club. There’s something really amazing about hiking that has captured the hearts and minds of so many people before you, but there are some things you should know beforehand. It’s quite common for new hikers to get this emotional “hiking fever”, where all you want to do is climb the biggest mountains in the world. While this is admirable, here’s why you should avoid doing this right away.

Start With Easier Hikes First

There’s really no reason at all that you should be taking on the more challenging hikes before doing the easier ones first. If you skip steps, all that means is that you don’t respect the process. It makes it seem as though you don’t actually love hiking itself, and just want to show off to the world that you climbed super high mountains.

If you’re truly dedicated to climbing, you’ll eventually get to the big ones. When it’s Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Everest, or any of the other famous ones, you’ll get there one day if you really want it. But if you skip the steps, you might not be prepared and could end up getting hurt. Take it slow and steady.