3 Unusual Museum in Saint Petersburg That You Have to See to Believe

Photo by Matvey Yelkin on Unsplash

Many of Saint Petersburg’s museums are located in lavish historical buildings and contain impressive collections that celebrate Russia’s rich history. That’s not the case with every single one, and some of the museums in this city are so quirky you can’t find them anywhere else.

Grand Maket Rossiya

If you’re a huge fan of miniature art, make sure to visit Russia’s largest model layout during your visit. It took five years and over a hundred people to build the entire scale model of Russia, which represents its different regions, and includes everything from replicas of real buildings to moving rails,

Museum of Russian Vodka

Vodka is the national drink of Russia and one of the first things that come to mind when someone mentions this country. That’s why it’s not surprising to learn there’s a museum that explores its history, with vodka tastings and guided tours.

Museum of Hygiene

One of the quirkiest museums in all of Saint Petersburg was opened to educate the public about the dangers of germs and filth. To make the whole thing even weirder, one of Pavlov’s original dogs is stuffed and displayed at the museum, without any context whatsoever.