Would You Dare Travel on These Most Dangerous Roads in the World?

Roads take us from place to place and we often take them for granted. But, not all roads are equal and some are much safer than others. If you’re a thrill-seeker, perhaps you should give these most dangerous roads in the world a visit.

Guoliang Tunnel, China

Guoliang Tunnel was carved out of the side of a mountain by 13 locals from the village of Guoliang back in 1972. The road took five years to build as the locals didn’t have access to heavy machinery, so they slowly chipped at the cliff with hammers and chisels.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska

Heavy winds, potholes, and slippery ice make this Alaskan highway one of the most challenging trucking routes in the world.

Karakoram Highway, China-Pakistan

This highway, which is the highest-paved international roadway in the world, is prone to landslides and floods. It’s an astounding 15,396 feet at it summit and an 800 mile route that goes through the mountains.

The Death Road, Bolivia

The official name of The Death Road is the North Yungas Road and it was declared in the ’90s by the Inter-American Development Bank as the most dangerous road in the world. Locals avoid this road, but eager tourists love to ride mountain bikes on it.