Using AI For Travel Planning? Here Are Three Things Worth Keeping in Mind

Travel Planning
Photo by Charlotte Noelle on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence is taking over every aspect of our daily lives – including the way we approach travel. AI-generated travel itineraries have become a huge hit on social media in recent months, and here are a few things worth keeping in mind if you’re tempted to give them a shot.

Different Sources

Artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT and Notion AI can come in handy in travel planning, but they shouldn’t be your only source of information. Not only are AI-generated sources unreliable and inaccurate, but they only offer surface-level information and you should dig a little bit deeper when planning your journey.

@what.mel Well, thanks? @notionhq #notionai ♬ BO$$ CHICK – Saweetie

Human Touch

AI-generated travel itineraries will always lack human touch – and that’s where you come in. Putting together your own itinerary will make it easier to account for the specifics of your trip while keeping in mind your travel style, specific interests, and budget restrictions.

Stay Open-Minded

Whether you’re using artificial intelligence or your own research to make your travel plans, your itinerary shouldn’t be the end-all of your trip. Keep your mind open and feel free to wander around because the real magic happens when you get lost and discover amazing things you’ve never expected to see.

@authentic_traveling helped me plan a one-day travel itinerary for Lagos, Nigeria in just seconds using AI. #vondy #ai #travel #lagos #nigeria ♬ cool afro beat(1308089) – screamed only