Travel Adventures of Lloyd and Yaya, a.k.a. Hand Luggage Only

Lloyd and Yaya are the guys from Hand Luggage Only who are currently living their dream, traveling all around the world, exploring the planet, and sharing their experiences with the world. Their Instagram page is at around 70k followers .

How did it all start? They share that story on their website:

“Hand Luggage Only was born back in April 2014 on a surprisingly warm afternoon in Yaya’s college room at University of Cambridge. In what seemed like an oasis of calm between assignments, Yaya and Lloyd (that’s us!) were talking about sharing our travel stories and photos with others like-minded travellers on the internet. We’d already been doing this for a while and (almost competitively) sharing our stories on Facebook but what we really wanted was to connect with other travellers across the globe and have a two-way conversation about travel.”

Enjoy their adventures below!

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Evenings in Cologne… 😍

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