Things You Should Not Bring on a Short Trip

Packed suitcase that is open
Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

Sometimes, when heading on vacation, we overpack due to our fear of leaving things behind. Still, there are some things that are better left at home, especially when going on a short trip. Here are those items that are best left behind, especially when you’re going away for a brief period with limited baggage.

Non-Versatile Clothing

When you travel for a short time, only bring clothing you can mix and match. The moment that something doesn’t go with all or most of your outfits, it’s only taking up space unnecessarily as you’ll have to take extra clothing to make up for its shortfall.


While some toiletries are essential, it’s important to remember that hotels give you soap, shampoo, and sometimes, conditioner. For this reason, there’s no need to bring extra supplies as this will make your bag baggier than necessary.

Large Bottles

If you are bringing all of your toiletries, avoid packing large bottles as you’re only going away for a brief time. Instead, pour the liquids into smaller bottles that will be sufficient for such a brief trip.

Non-Versatile Shoes

Don’t pack too many pairs of shoes as they can be quite bulky. Wear some versatile shoes that you’ll use a lot and pack those kinds of shoes that can be suitable for an array of situations.