Most Underrated Beaches in The World

Woman on the beach
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

You know how it goes—you’re all excited about your beach day, dreaming of serene sands and tranquil waters, only to arrive and find yourself elbow-to-elbow with every other sun-seeker in town. But what if we told you there are still undiscovered slices of paradise? Let’s dive into some of the most underrated beaches around the globe.

Salema, Portugal

Salema is a quaint fishing village with a stunning stretch of golden sand. Unlike its more famous neighbors, this beach is a peaceful retreat with the charm of traditional Portuguese life. The cliffs surrounding Salema provide a dramatic backdrop and the clear, calm waters make it ideal for swimming and snorkeling. 

Koh Kood, Thailand

While Thailand’s beaches are no secret to the world, Koh Kood remains one of the country’s most overlooked treasures. Koh Kood is the epitome of an island paradise, with fewer tourists and a slower pace of life. You can enjoy snorkeling, diving, and exploring the island’s waterfalls.

Playa de los Muertos, Mexico

Despite its ominous name (Beach of the Dead), Playa de los Muertos in Sayulita is a lively and colorful beach experience. This hidden beach is less crowded than other spots along Mexico’s Pacific Coast, offering golden sands and excellent conditions for swimming and surfing.