These Hotels Are Made Completely Out Of Ice

Imagine sleeping in a room where the walls, the bed, and even the glasses in the bar are made entirely of ice. This might sound like a fantasy, but it’s a reality at some of the world’s most unique hotels. Among them are the Hôtel de Glace in Canada and the Ice Hotel in Sweden. Let’s take a look. 

Hôtel de Glace, Canada

Located just outside Quebec City, Hôtel de Glace is North America’s only ice hotel. The hotel is open annually from January through March. Each year, the hotel is redesigned and rebuilt. 

Guests can expect to sleep in temperatures between -3 to -5 degrees Celsius, but fear not—the beds are equipped with insulated mattresses and arctic sleeping bags to keep you warm. 

Ice Hotel, Sweden

200 km north of the Arctic Circle, Ice Hotel is the world’s first and largest hotel built of snow and ice. Since its inception in 1989, it has become an iconic destination for adventurous travelers. Each winter, the hotel is reconstructed using ice from the nearby Torne River.

The Ice Hotel offers both cold and warm rooms, but the ice rooms are undoubtedly the main attraction. It also includes an Ice Bar, serving drinks in glasses made of ice, and an Ice Chapel.