The Most Thriving LBGT+ Cities In The World

Tel Aviv, Israel. Photo by yoav hornung on Unsplash

Fortunately, more and more cities around the world are becoming more LGBT+ friendly than ever before. Some cities go the extra mile when it comes to celebrating the LGBT+ community. These cities tend to be full of culture and have a buzzing nightlife. Coincidence? I think not. Here’s the list.

Brighton, UK

Brighton gave birth to Pride and continues to be a buzzing cultural hub for the LGBT+ community. In Kemp Town you’ll see glorious drag queens walking up and down St James Street and Revenge is one of the most popular and friendly gay clubs in the UK.

Montreal, Canada

Montreal is a super liberal city and Canada were one of the first countries to legalize gay marriage in 2005. Montreal Pride is a huge event and all year round you will see a colorful variety of characters along St Catherines.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv is a cultural hotspot and has a larger than life LGBT+ presence. The energy all through the city is spectacular, especially during Pride!

Amsterdam, Netherlands

In Amsterdam, anything goes and freedom and love is celebrated regardless of your orientation.

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is a city bursting with color and personality. The things which make us individuals are celebrated here.