Here’s How to Avoid Food Poisoning While Traveling

Photo by Arturo Rivera on Unsplash

Have you ever had a trip ruined by getting sick after eating a shady meal? I have before, and it isn’t a pleasant experience.

Travelers that go on trips to countries with below-average sanitation standards often end up getting sick while they travel. Why is this? They often consume food or beverages that are contaminated.

Here are strategies that will help you avoid this fate.

Always Use Bottled Water

Often, sanitary conditions in these countries don’t allow for clean tap water. Organisms and bacteria can exist in water from the faucet, so it’s safer to opt for bottled water.

Don’t Drink Anything With Ice

This point, related to the previous one, also holds true for ice. If you order a juice or a cocktail that has ice in it, it’s likely that the ice could melt and release germs into your drink. Avoid this!

Opt for Cooked Foods

It’s always safer to eat cooked foods while traveling in these types of countries. Heat kills bacteria and microorgansims, so cooked food is generally less likely to be contaminated.

Wash Your Hands Before Eating

This might seem obvious, but many travelers forget to wash their hands before eating! If you’ve gotten dirty water on your hands or touched something covered in germs, it’s likely to end up in your mouth while eating if you don’t wash your hands.

Stay healthy and safe, and happy traveling!