Sweet Treats You Should Bring Home from Your Trip to New Zealand

Auckland, New Zealand. Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

Local delicacies are always a good souvenir to bring home, since they allow your friends a family to taste a new country, even if they’ve never been there. If you have a lot of candy lovers at home, here’s a couple of sweet treats you should consider bringing back from New Zealand.

Whittaker’s Chocolate

This is one of the most popular chocolate brands in New Zealand, and it’s a perfect gift for all the fans of this delicious treat. Whittaker’s still hasn’t expended to the rest of the world, which makes it a true rarity for chocolate fans.


If you want your friends and family to try the classic Kiwi item, a bag of Jaffas is a way to go. These sugar-coated chocolate balls with orange flavor are a huge hit in New Zealand, and you can find them at pretty much any supermarket or grocery store in this country.

Cookie Time

This cookie brand is extremely popular in New Zealand, and you can easily take one of their original chocolate chunk cookies home. Seeing their beloved mascot Cookie Muncher on the wrapping is a part of the appeal.