Skyscanner Reveals 2020 Top Travel Trends

Photo by Frank Vessia on Unsplash

Online travel company Skyscanner pulled data from over 100 million monthly users of their platforms and revealed the trends that will transform travel in 2020. Here’s what we can expect this year.

JOMO Trips

“Joy of missing out” is an expression we hear more and more often, and it’s becoming a part of the travel industry as well. It means that people are now looking to find remote locations where they can have a peaceful vacation instead of devoting their travel to chasing popular locations and snapping Instagram photos.

Local Food

There’s no better way to get to know a place than through its food. Local restaurants and food corners are a great way to try something new and avoid the lines at overpriced tourist restaurants and chain restaurants.

Short Breaks

Being too busy is not an excuse for not traveling! In 2020, micro escapes will be big. We’re sure there are locations nearby you that you can explore during a daily trip or a weekend escape.

Slow Travel

Just like in 2019, slow travel is again one of the most prominent travel trends. Connecting with a destination and exploring it thoroughly instead of rushing from place to place just to check them off your list seems like a great philosophy.