See Places from New Heights on These Global Funiculars

Image by Erich Westendarp from Pixabay

Funiculars are awesome ways to get to see a place from a totally new — and higher — perspective. A funicular is basically a tram that goes upwards, usually by a lot, and they exist all over the world. These are some of the best with the most amazing views at the top, so check them out!

Hong Kong, China

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The Peak Tramway in Hong Kong is an awesome way to check out the full scope of Hong Kong’s skyscrapers, but also see the beautiful bay. The funicular is 1.5 kilometers long and goes up over 400 meters in altitude!

Guttannen, Switzerland

In the southern part of Switzerland is the Gelmer Funicular, which is the steepest funicular in all of Europe! The tram goes up 1,800 meters and has a maximum gradient of 106%, which really makes it look more like a ride at a theme park than a mode of transportation. But once you get up to the top, you have a stunning landscape and will be surrounded by mountains, greenery, and the clouds.

Quebec City, Canada

The Old Quebec Funicular was first built in the 19th century, and even though it’s been modernized, it’s still a fun way to experience the history and great views of the city and landscape.