Need to Sleep at the Airport? Follow These Tips

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Sleeping at the airport isn’t something any traveler wants to do. However, you might want to think about doing it if you are stuck waiting for a long layover, or your flight got delayed. Getting some sleep will make you rested and help you pass the time quicker. Continue reading to find out some tips on how to do it in the best way possible.

Find the Right Spot

Finding a secluded corner of the airport seems logical because it will provide you with the most peace and quiet. However, it isn’t the safest option. Instead, make sure to find a well-lighted place covered with surveillance and near security guards. Also, you want to be surrounded by other travelers because it is less likely someone tries to make a move for your belongings that way.

Keep Your Belongings Safe

Check whether the airport has luggage storage where you can store your belongings. If not, transfer all your valuables, including your passport, phone, and wallet, into one bag and use it as a pillow. Also, keep other parts of the luggage as close to you as possible.

Block the Outside

Taking measures to block the outside noise and light will make you fall asleep a lot quicker. Ideally, you will have a sleeping mask and earplugs. But if you don’t, consider plugging your ears with headphones/earphones or pieces of paper towel and covering your eyes with a shirt.

Consider Buying an Access to the Airport Lounge

Paying to access an airport lounge isn’t ideal, but it is still a lot cheaper than getting a hotel room. Airport lounges provide a safer and calmer environment, allowing you to fall asleep much quicker.

Make Sure to Set Multiple Alarms

Finally, don’t forget to set multiple alarms at least an hour before your flight. You don’t want to oversleep and get stuck even longer at the airport.