Do You Need to See Every City On Your Bucket List?

Boat view
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

In this day and age, one of the most popular trends in the entire world is to travel, and for good reason. It’s never been easier to hop on a plane and visit a country halfway across the globe, which means that everyone has a bucket list of countless foreign destinations they want to check out. But do you really need to see every city on your bucket list?

Don’t Make it Essential

It’s always good to have dreams and goals. It’s always good to want to explore the world and expose yourself to all different kinds of societies that are out there. But it’s also just as crucial to be realistic. The odds of you seeing every place in the world is pretty close to zero percent, and the same goes for the many different places on your bucket list.

It’s Just a Trend

Remember, while traveling the world is amazing for so many reasons, it’s also a trend that is easy to get caught up in. In other words, embrace the beauty of new cities when you get the chance—but don’t be so obsessed with needing to see every place on the planet, because then you might be doing it for the wrong reasons.