5 Reasons to Visit Romania as Soon as Possible

Bucharest, România
Bucharest, România. Photo by Luca Mirea on Unsplash

Don’t have Romania on your travel list yet? Why not? It is a beautiful country that offers so many exciting experiences for every type of traveler. Continue reading to find out the reasons why you should visit Romania as soon as possible.


This one is simple. Romania’s capital, Bucharest, is a place of rich history that is visible on its every corner with beautiful old buildings, unusual architecture, and impressive monuments. On top of that, the city has plenty of intriguing tourist attractions and a great food scene.


Speaking about food … You don’t have to worry about staying well-fed while in Romania. The food is affordable, diverse, and quite delicious. Romanian cuisine is an intriguing fusion of traditional Balkan dishes and Turkish influences with a hint of Eastern Europe.

Beautiful Scenery

Romania is truly a feast for the eyes. Aside from the country’s historical buildings, you will be able to marvel at its stunning natural wonders, including the Danube Delta, Cheile Bicazului – Hășmaș National Park, and the Bucegi Mountains. 

Easily Access 

Romania is part of the European Union, making it easily accessible. You don’t need a visa, and it is well-connected with other European countries like Austria and Germany, allowing for hassle-free visits even if it’s not your main destination.


Romania is still quite affordable compared to other parts of the European Union. The prices are more than 50% below the EU average, making it a perfect destination for budget travelers.