3 Ways to Make Masked Plane Travel More Comfortable

A young woman wearing face mask onboarduring covid-19 pandemic
Image by tonefotografia/Depositphotos

As we start thinking about the immediate travel future, it isn’t hard to imagine a situation in which travel will become commonplace over the next few months. It will likely come with restrictions, and one of those which can be tough for people to imagine is that of having to wear a mask for a long period of time on a flight.

If you want to start preparing for masked plane travel, which will almost certainly become a necessity, these are some steps you can take to make it easier and more comfortable.

Use a Breathable Mask

While you definitely want a mask that protects both you and others from germs, it can be hard to travel for hours on a plane with a mask on if your mask isn’t breathable. Look for a fabric mask with filters what allow some air in.

Practice at Home Beforehand

As silly as it sounds, wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time without taking it off at home can be a really big help when you start thinking about what it might be like to do so on a plane. If you get nervous or anxious, try to breathe slowly and relax.

Protect Your Ears

One thing that tends to bother people when wearing a mask for an extended period of time is the ear straps. These can really be painful and uncomfortable, so I recommend buying an ear saver that takes the stress off of your hearing devices.