Man sitting on a rock staring at the stars
Cedar Mountain Recreation Area, Castle Dale, United States. Photo by Rick Hatch on Unsplash

Ready for an out-of-this-world experience? You’ve come to the right place! If you’re an astronomy enthusiast or just enjoy a sparkling-sky vibe, you absolutely have to check out these three epic stargazing spots on three different continents.

The Atacama Desert, Chile

Can you imagine a desert so dry that it provides a next-to-perfect view of the stars at night? Chile’s Atacama Desert is the perfect spot for stargazing pros, with a clear view of all the classics—from the Fornax galaxy cluster to the Milky Way. No clouds or light pollution—just you, the stars, and maybe a few friends (or, even better, your significant other).

Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park, Japan

Head over to Japan’s Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park for some seriously cool stargazing vibes. It’s the first place in Japan to get an international Dark Sky status—and yes, that’s as special as it sounds. Basically, this translates to perfect views of the stars, and up to 84 constellations on a good night.

Mauna Kea, Hawaii

Last but not least, let’s talk about Mauna Kea, Hawaii’s star-studded gem. Perched high up on the Big Island, it’s got some of the biggest telescopes in the world. Remote, peaceful, and downright mesmerizing—it is somewhat of a stargazing paradise.