You Can Only Find These Marsupials in Australia

Photo by Ellicia on Unsplash

The country of Australia is home to some of the most unique wildlife on Earth. Visitors to this country often base part of their desire to travel to this Oceania hotspot in their desire to see these one-of-a-kind creatures, which usually belong to the marsupial family.

Here are four marsupials that you should seek out on your next trip to Australia.


These marsupials arguably constitute the most famous image worldwide of Australia. These unique and beautiful animals can be found throughout the country’s territory, with red and grey kangaroos being the most commonly spotted species.


These adorable little marsupials are often found in Southeast Australia, where they inhabit eucalyptus forests in large numbers. Despite their popularity, they are listed as a vulnerable species due to widespread destruction of their habitats.

Tasmanian Devils

On the island of Tasmania, a unique animal known as the Tasmanian Devil roams wild. These vicious little critters are the largest living carnivorous marsupials on Earth and are widely known for their tenacity.


These cute marsupials, which look like a mix between a small dog and a boar, can be found in the same territory, roughly, as the koala. They amazingly can run up to 30 miles per hour despite their pudgy appearance!