Why Winter Getaways are Better Than Summer Ones

Cabin in the snow
Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

When you think of holidays, chances are you’ll picture a summer getaway somewhere hot. Growing up with school holidays has made us all associate traveling with the summer season. But going away somewhere in winter is way more exciting than you may think, so here’s why you should try it.

It’s Cheaper

Because it’s the popular choice, prices get hiked up as soon as the weather turns warmer. You’ll be able to stay in incredible locations for a fraction of the price you’d pay in peak season, as well as saving huge amounts on flights and other travel expenses.

No Overcrowding

When you go away in summer, your experience can be a bit overshadowed by the immense overcrowding everywhere. Consider going to a popular summer destination in winter, and you’ll get to have the joy of some peace and quiet while exploring somewhere new.

Authentic Experiences

Due to the summer tourist rush, a lot of popular destinations lose some of their natural charm in catering to the crowds. When you travel there off-season, you’ll get to witness the authentic traditions and customs of the area and soak in all the natural atmosphere of the place.