Why Go on a Trailer Vacation?

Trailer vacations have been a popular option for holidaymakers for decades. They involve upping to the country and spending a couple of weeks in a trailer park or motorhome. However, this kind of vacation is often perceived to be the reserve of initiates with their own special trailer park or motorhome vehicle.

If you haven’t been on a trailer vacation before, here are 5 reasons you should give it a go.

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash


Taking your vacation in a trailer park campsite offers a sense of freedom you don’t often get with other holidays. Your time is completely your own, you can organize your own activities and you can enjoy a real break from the stresses of daily life.


These vacations are also much cheaper than staying in hotels, package holidays or paying for flights.


Trailer vacations give you a nice warm place to stay while also allowing you to enjoy the fresh air of the great outdoors.

Photo by Jon Hieb on Unsplash


You can freely explore the parks, camp sites and surrounding environment, and spend your time in new and innovative ways.


Another perk of the trailer vacation is the social life. You can meet other holidaymakers, have epic parties and make lifetime friends.