Which Friend Should You Travel With?

Peace sign by Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, United States
San Francisco, United States Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

There’s nothing more exciting than making the choice to embark on a traveling adventure with a close friend. However, there are certain important things to consider when choosing which friend to travel with in the first place. It turns out that there’s a lot more to assess than just confirming whether or not they’re your friend. Here’s how to decide which friend you should travel with.

Financial Compatibility

It’s important that you and this friend are on the same page about money. This doesn’t mean that you both have to have the same amount of money, but it does mean that you should be open with one another about what you’re preparing to spend so that there aren’t any surprises later.

Trip Goals

This is a pretty big one too. If your travel goals are to party non-stop but your friend wants to get a good night’s sleep so he can wake up early to see museums, there might be a clash. Make sure that the friend you choose has a similar desire for traveling, specifically when it comes to activities.

Separation Comfortability

Are you someone who wouldn’t mind separating from your friend and going off on your own for a bit? If so, make sure your friend is the same way. Some people hate the idea of being alone, while others want to test the waters for a bit. Make sure you’re on the same page about that so that there’s no resentment if one of you decides to do a quick breakaway.