When In Rome: Visit These 3 Fountains

Photo by kat kye on Unsplash

With over 2000 fountains in total, 50 of them monumental, every visit to Rome has to include seeing at least a few fountains. In case you’re off to Rome for a quick romantic weekend, we picked three fountains for you to visit.

Fontana di Trevi

The most famous of all fountains in Rome, Trevi Fountain was created in 1762 by Nicola Salvi. The legend holds that if you throw a coin into the fountain, you ensure your return to Rome, and every day about 3,000 Euros get thrown in. 

Another reason to visit is the site’s popularity as a film location. From Classics like Roman Holiday and La Dolce Vita to the more recent Lizzie McGuire Movie.

Fontana delle Tartarughe

You’ll find the beloved Turtles Fountain in the middle of Piazza Mattei, a piazza paved by the Mattei family to fit the fountain in and bring water to the neighborhood, which was one of the populated areas in the city at the time.

Fontana delle Api 

The smallest of the three, completed in 1644, the Fountain of the Bees is an elaborately sculpted marble shell with three bees on it, and a dated inscription by the artist,  Gian Lorenzo Bernini.