What to Expect When Sharing an Apartment With Your Airbnb Host

Photo by Henry McIntosh on Unsplash

There is a huge range of Airbnb setups out there. The classic option is to rent someone’s apartment and have the space to yourself. This is of course lovely, but it’s so much cheaper to just rent a room in someone’s home while they are there. If you’ve never done this before, here are some things to keep in mind. 

You Will Feel Their Presence

If you are used to staying in a private Airbnb, then this will be a very different experience. You will be very aware that you are in someone else’s home, and should be respectful of that. You won’t be able to lounge around on the sofa in your pajamas, but you will still have your own room that should be totally private.

You Can Learn About the Area

What better way to learn about the area than from a local? Make the most of staying with someone in the area and ask for their tips and recommendations, as well as any interesting facts or history. 

You May Gain a New Contact

Usually, people get on well in these situations, and you may well stay in contact and go and stay with them again.