Top 5 Travel Apps for 2023

Phone app
Photo by Airam Dato-on on Unsplash

We have a huge advantage, traveling in the age of smartphones. There’s an app to help you in virtually every aspect of your trip, from planning to packing to accommodations, etc. Lucky for you, we rounded up all the best travel apps to use for your 2023 adventures!

Google Translate

Okay, listen: we know it’s basic, but it’s a classic for a reason, people! If you plan on traveling anywhere that you don’t speak the language, this app is a must. You can easily type anything you need to translate, and there’s even a function where they read the pronunciation out loud!


Hopper is a great app for the planning stage of your trip. It allows you to track flights and even tells you if you’re getting a good deal compared to past trends.


Plan on doing a road trip in the future? Find out the best places to stop along your journey with Roadtrippers. 


It can be difficult to plan your own itinerary for a trip, especially if you’ve never been to this particular destination, but luckily TripIt can plan an entire itinerary for you!


Have you ever gone to pack for your trip, but you just don’t know what to bring? This app takes the guesswork out of packing, giving you a list of things to pack based on the length of your trip and the weather in your destination!