Harlem - 148th Street station. Image by Adam Moss/Flickr

Harlem is a storied neighborhood in the north end of Manhattan, just above the Upper West and East Sides and begins close to the north end of Central Park. The prestigious Ivy League Columbia University calls Harlem home, as well as many popular landmarks that are essential not to miss when visiting this unique neighborhood.

Tourism to Harlem hasn’t always been recommended since, in decades past, it was known to be riddled with crime and gang activities. However, its reputation has received a surge in recent years, and many more people are open to visiting this bustling center that celebrates African-American and other immigrant cultures.

Harlem is a neighborhood that’s rich in historical significance, and any visit to the Big Apple should include a tour of the following 5 spots that simply cannot be missed when exploring the streets of Harlem:

The Apollo Theater

El Museo del Barrio

Studio Museum

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Ristoranti Settepani