Top 3 Best Spots to Get Chicago-Style Hot Dog in Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Hot Dog
Photo by Albany Capture on Unsplash

Besides its deep-dish pizza, Chicago, Illinois, is also famous for its Chicago-style hot dogs. A lot of people claim they are the best in the nation, and eating one of them is a must if you want to really feel connected to this unique city.

However, don’t get your Chicago-style hot dog just anywhere. Instead, head to one of the following places to get the best experience.

For Authenticity: Jimmy’s Red Hots

Jimmy’s Red Hots is the place that really sticks to the original formula of Chicago-style hot dogs and doesn’t mess with it. Their hot dog comes in a steamed bun and is topped with yellow mustard, onions, relish, and sports peppers. You get a handful of French fries with your order. If you are looking for authenticity, this is the place to go.

For Gourmet Experience: Chicago’s Dog House

Chicago’s Dog House does its own take on Chicago-style hot dogs. They come with the usual toppings, but you can choose between several gourmet variations. This includes adding different cheeses, bacon, special sauces, and more.

For Consistency: Portillo’s

You can view Portillo’s as McDonald’s of Chicago-style hot dogs. They are definitely not the best you can have. However, they serve great classics and have an impressive consistency. Whenever you visit, you will get the same experience and probably enjoy it.