Tips for Over-Packers

Photo by Caroline Selfors on Unsplash

If you’re someone who always finds they cram their case full when going away, then you’ll also understand the unnecessary stress this causes. Turning up somewhere with all your worldly possessions in a bag is not a great way to start a relaxing trip. Here are some tips to avoid this.

Remember You Can Buy Things

As long as you have the essentials (passport, keys, phone, wallet) and the basics (underwear, pajamas), you should remember that if you forget anything there will be places to buy things. It may not feel ideal to buy more stuff, but it’s just good to keep this in mind while packing to avoid cramming everything you own into your suitcase. 

Recall Past Mistakes

If you’re pondering over extra items while packing, try to remember previous experiences where you packed too much and the stress it caused. This will help you be more strict with your choices. 

Embrace the Minimalist Outlook

It’s easy to stress over not having certain items, but try to shift your mindset here. Use this as an opportunity to embrace just having a few items with you. You’ll likely realize how most of the things you own are easy to live without.