Three Travel Essentials To Pack If You’re Backpacking

Photo by Gustavo Fring

If you’re going backpacking, its important to pack light without missing the essentials. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a short list of packing essentials that you might find extremely useful and may not even have thought of. Keep reading for three essentials to add to your carry on and enjoy your travels!

Small Jewelry Bags

Keep all your jewelry in one place so they don’t get lost in your bag and they can be easily located. You’ll want these when going out at night or to dinner!

First Aid Kit

Always keep a small first aid kit on your so you have it when you need it, and will not need to stop in random places searching for somethig you may not find. Keep all your essentials in there like bandaids, anti itch cream, vaseline, Tylenol, and probiotics. This will be more efficient then having to stop at different times to get essentials.

Laundry Bags

Always keep a small laundry bag handy so you can keep track of clean from dirty clothes. This will also be helpful if you’re dumping your clothes at a wash and fold facility.