These Countries are Foodie Heaven, So What Are You Waiting For?

Photo by Amie Watson on Unsplash

For some people, food really makes the trip just as much as the sites. If you’re a self-proclaimed foodie, there are just some countries you have to experience to get the best food, so bring your stretchy pants and dig into these countries!


Mexico has such a wide range of dishes in its cuisine, and even the most basic dishes are actually really complex to make, which is why you need to get the real stuff and travel to Mexico!

The great thing about Mexico is that you can get something from the street or go to one of the world’s best restaurants and everything will be equally delicious and balanced.


Thailand is known for its street food culture, where you can truly get any type of food you want at any time of the day. There are even some street food joins that have Michelin stars!

It’s also a really cheap country to eat in, so there’s no excuse not to go.


Israel is such a new country that there isn’t just one cuisine that encompasses it, making it a foodie paradise. There are also more vegans in Israel than anywhere else in the world per capita, so there are a ton of different options for all types of eaters!