3 Realistic Ways to Save Money for Travel in 2019

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Sometimes we have to be real with ourselves — it’s not that we don’t have enough money to travel, it’s just that we don’t make travel our priority. Here are some realistic ways that can help you save money for travel this year.


A Budget

If you don’t make room for travel in your budget, you’ll never have enough money for it. Set aside a certain amount every month that will help you achieve your goal with minimum effort.

Save on Convenience

Are you ready to cut out convenience in order to save up for the trip? Make your own coffee and lunch at home and start cooking instead of ordering takeout. These purchases don’t seem too big, but they quickly add up.

Cancel Subscriptions

Go through your subscriptions and see what you can cancel, because it’s likely they are costing you hundreds of dollars per year. Don’t want to cut off Netflix and Hulu completely? Find friends you can share a subscription with and share cost as well.