These Are the World’s Top 5 Surfing Destinations

A surfer in Biarritz, France
Biarritz, France. Photo by Léa Dubedout on Unsplash

There are seven oceans covering our planet, but only some of them have consistent waves that create ideal conditions for surfing. Here are the top five destinations for surfing around the world. 

Uluwatu, Bali

Perhaps one of the most iconic of Bali’s surf spots, Uluwatu is located at the foot of a stunning cliff, overlooked by Bali’s oldest Hindu temple.

Biarritz, France

Long before the French town of Biarritz became a world-famous resort town and surfing destination, locals would take advantage of the consistent swells and would ride them on wooden planks and palm fronds.

Jeffereys Bay, South Africa

The South African town Jefferys Bay was made famous by the surf cult classic Endless Summer. Its surf break is considered one of the best right-hand point breaks in the world due to its consistency and quality.

Bundoran, Ireland

If you’re willing to brave the cold, the Irish town Bundoran is a surfer’s heaven. The town embraces the culture with extra accommodations for surfers, even offering discounts to surfers visiting during the peak season of September-May.

Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

On the eastern coast of Sri Lanka lies the relaxed village of Arugam Bay, known for its steady waves and laid-back atmosphere.