These are the Best Seats on an Airplane

Airplane seat
Image by Sabrina Eickhoff from Pixabay

The obvious way to improve your flight experience is to upgrade to business class. But this is usually an expensive affair, so you might want to try the alternative: getting the best seats possible in the economic class. If you have been a frequent flyer, you know that not all seats on the plane are made the same. But which ones are the best?

Exit Row Seats

These are usually considered the premium seats in the economic class. You get extra leg room, and you might end up sitting alone if the flight is not full. You will have to pay some extra fee to book it, but the seat is well worth it.

Front Section Seats

If you are looking for a smooth flight, you want to be sitting as close to the front of the plane as possible. You won’t feel much of the turbulence and will get the service much faster.

Window Seats

Overall, you can’t go wrong with any window seat. For starters, you will be able to watch through the window and make the flight more eventful. Then, you get more arm space, and you don’t have to stand up if someone wants to go to the toilet. Finally, you have something to lean on if you want to get some sleep.