The Fastest Way to Heal Your Sunburn

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

We’ve all been there: you can’t wait to just soak up the sun when you finally get to that travel destination, but you forgot to reapply your sunscreen. Or maybe your winter skin just isn’t used to the sun–no matter how much sunscreen you applied. So you get back from the beach and you look in the mirror, only to realize you’re bright red with sunburn! You don’t want to look back at all the photos from your vacation only to realize you’re a tomato in all of them, so you need to get rid of it fast! If this sounds like you, listen up. Here are the three steps to getting rid of a sunburn FAST.

Step 1: Cold Shower

Okay, it doesn’t have to be freezing cold, but PLEASE don’t burn your skin even more with a hot shower. Put the shower on the coldest temperature you can handle, and be gentle when you wash your skin. You don’t want to irritate it further by scrubbing at the raw skin.

Step 2: Aloe, Aloe, and More Aloe

Get a bottle of Aloe Vera Gel and lather yourself up in it. Let it dry for a couple of hours and keep reapplying! Aloe Vera has great healing properties, so it will soothe your skin and help it repair the damage.

Step 3: Drink Water

Not only were you out in the sun getting dehydrated, but your sunburn is also further dehydrating you. Drinking lots of water ensures that your body can work on healing the sunburn as soon as possible.