The Benefits Of Going On a Month-Long Trail

Los Padres National Forest, California, USA
Photo by Erin O' Brien on Unsplash

Oftentimes we hear about the benefits of going on regular hikes and trails around the world. However, many of these hikes that you hear about usually take about a day to climb—or, in more extreme examples, a few days. In this article, we’re going to delve into a different class of trail. The kind of trail that requires more commitment than most are capable of giving. These trails are at least a month long, and aren’t for the faint-hearted. However, there are many benefits to going on one, and here’s what they are.

Disconnecting—And Connecting

People love talking about how beneficial it can be to immerse yourself in nature, turn off your phone, and just be present in the wilderness around you. That’s all good and all, but imagine quadrupling down on that idea by doing it for four weeks straight. This requires intense focus and no shortage of zen mindfulness—but if you can do it, you’re surely in store for a wonderful experience where you’ll connect with nature more than you ever have before.

It’s Great Exercise

There’s also the exercise aspect of it all. Even if the trail is super easy, simply walking nonstop for a month straight is the kind of thing that’ll be great from a cardio perspective. But if you decide to go on a trek that’s also somewhat intensive, you’ll be a physically changed person when you get back home.