Pros and Cons of a Staycation

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The term “staycation” is a combination of two words—stay and vacation. If you’ve never heard of the term before, you’re probably already catching on to the concept. 

Instead of using vacation time to travel, during a staycation, you remain at your own home but spice up your routine with fun activities—things you would have done if you were on vacation, like going out to restaurants, visiting local attractions, etc. 

But is it a viable plan? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons. 


The biggest and most obvious pro is that a staycation will save you money. On a staycation, you don’t need to pay for lodging and travel, which are usually the most expensive budget items of a vacation. 

Another pro is that you can explore local attractions you may otherwise put off for years. Maybe there’s a new museum that opened or there’s a town fair you’ve been meaning to check out. 


When you’re staying in your home, it can be hard to shut off your regular routine and responsibilities. It’s much easier to get distracted with errands. At the end of the day, you don’t want to spend your vacation cleaning the garage instead of relaxing.