Planning Your First Solo Road Trip? Here are 5 Safety Tips

Woman taking a road trip
Photo by William Christen on Unsplash

So you’re planning your first solo road trip. Prepare to have the adventure of a lifetime. But before you can do so, it’s important to prepare and plan ahead. Safety is key when planning your first solo road trip and here are five tips you should keep in mind for your next trip.

Tell People Your Plans

Regardless of how long your trip is, always tell someone where you’re heading to. When you arrive at your destination, let your point of contact know you’re there safely.

Pack Backup Resources

Prepare for your cell phone battery to drain easily and make sure you have batteries and chargers in the glove compartment for all of your electronics. In addition, put important documents like your driver’s license, passport, and credit card information on your cell phone.

Get Your Ride Ready

Prior to heading out, have your vehicle checked by a mechanic to make sure the tires and breaks are good, the fluid’s topped off, and the oil is changed. Also, check to see the air conditioning is working properly.

Bring an Emergency Kit

Be sure to bring first-aid essentials, blankets, and roadside hazard items on your trip.

Pack Food and Water

Always bring non-perishable food items and plenty of water. You never know when there won’t be a stop for a while. Additionally, try not to eat too many salty snacks as they will dehydrate you.