The beautiful Lake Ohrid, the pearl of Macedonia, was the home to prehistoric people who once lived there. The Bay of Bones, which was first discovered in 1997, is a settlement of pile dwellers who lived on top of the water between 1200 and 600 BC.
24 replicas of prehistorian houses on a wooden platform placed above the Lake Ohrid, with its picturesque environment is definitely an interesting place to visit whether you are or not interested in history.
Although the village isn’t big, it will surely bring you closer to the people who lived there thousands of years ago. Animal remains, pottery, jewelry, all found in the beautiful, crystal clear water of Ohrid will take you back to the past, for a minute.
On the shore, there is a small museum with a small exhibition and a wall-sized photograph of the settlement foundations as they look now under the water. However, there is a possibility of diving into the water and experiencing it in real-life. There is also a café where you can relax for a bit and enjoy the amazing piece of work of Mother Nature. As it is located near the village Peshtani, it is possible to get there by bus, boat or by taxi.