Lose Yourself in the Beauty of Bolivia’s Uyuni Salt Flat

Have you ever traveled to a place that was so beautiful that it made you think that you were living a supernatural experience? Bolivia’s Uyuni Salt Flat is one of those places that have the power to make you question if what you’re seeing is real, or simply a manifestation of your wildest dreams.

Located in the Bolivian altiplano, an exceptionally flat plateau at high altitude within the Andes Mountain region, this salt flat is the world’s largest at over 4,000 square miles in area.

Created after the evaporation of a prehistoric lake, salt, rock formations, and the remnants of former islands within the lake were left behind to create a landscape that looks more like something from another planet than it does anything Earth-like.

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The surface of the lake creates a mirror-like effect in which the skies and the landscape surrounding the salt flat are reflected perfectly off of the surface.

It’s a phenomenon that you must see in order to believe, exceeding any sort of expectation that you might have for this place, as high as it might be.

Run, don’t walk, to visit the Uyuni Salt Flat.