How to Find the Best Flight Deals on United Airlines’ Website

While plenty of travelers scour discount websites and flight aggregators in search of an affordable flight, many don’t realize that finding a great flight deal can take as little as browsing the United Airlines website. Here’s how you can find the best possible deal on this international airline’s site.

Check Out the “Deals” Tab

Once you’re on the United Airlines homepage, scroll to the “Deals” tab and click on it. Under the “Offers” heading, you’ll see an option for “Current offers and promos”. Here, you’ll be able to see limited offers at unbeatable prices.

Use the Filter

If you’re looking to fly to a specific destination, then United Airlines’ “Destination Deals” are for you. Located next to the “Current offers and promos” option, “Destination Deals” will allow you to find the best offers for flights to an array of popular destinations, with domestic flights starting at just $78.

Young Travelers and Veterans

If you’re between the ages of 18 and 21 or perhaps a U.S. military veteran, then United Airlines has some specially tailored deals just for you. Make sure to check out the “Discounts for 18 to 23-year-olds” and “Veterans Advantage discount” tabs for more information.