Here’s Why You Should Plan a Trip to Laos

Buddha statue
Buddha Park, Laos. Photo by Aor Chanthachak on Unsplash

There are so many incredible places around the world to visit. Each continent is filled with an incredible variety of landscapes and cultures which are amazing to explore. Asia has some of the most popular travel destinations across the globe, yet Laos is very underrated. Here are a few reasons to plan your next trip there.

Some of the Most Stunning Landscapes

You will be blown away by the incredible views of this country. Dramatic mountains covered in luscious forests are breathtaking and awe-inspiring, and their steep valleys lead down to beautiful rivers and waterfalls. A popular activity while there is to explore the river systems by boat, giving you a unique perspective on the gorgeous land. 

Unique and Delicious Cuisine

Many of the traditional dishes of this country may seem surprising to people used to different cuisines. For adventurous eaters, there will be plenty of delicious and exciting meals to try, including ant egg soup, but if you aren’t so bold then there are delicious sandwiches, sticky rice, and the popular meat salad called larb.

Much Less Touristy Than Neighboring Countries

Southeast Asia is an incredibly popular travel destination, with countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam seeing huge amounts of tourists every year. While these countries are stunning, if you’re looking for a more relaxed and authentic experience then the much quieter Laos is perfect.