Make sure to be well prepared for the heat with these four items.
A Decent Sunhat
This is something so many people forget but makes a huge difference when dealing with extreme heat. Not only does a good sunhat help with the brightness and glare of the sun for your eyes, but it also will protect your head from being in direct sunlight and help avoid sunstroke.
A Fan
Whether a fancy electric one or a simple folding one, having a way to blow air around will feel like a savior in the heat. Even if it doesn’t make a huge difference to overall body temperature, having some wind across your face and neck will feel like a dream.
We’ve all been guilty of assuming we’ll be fine or even hoping to get a tan and therefore neglecting to apply suncream. This is something everyone should be careful with in general, but in really hot places where the sun is strong and intense then a high SPF factor suncream is absolutely essential.
A Washcloth
Having a cloth that you can soak in cold water and hold to your face or neck will also feel like a dream when you’re struggling with the heat.