Check It Out: Extreme Swinging In Estonia

Everybody loves swings when they’re kid but in Estonia, people decided that swinging shouldn’t be a hobby reserved for the young. Instead, they created ‘kiiking‘ which is the sport of swinging for those who are young at heart and big on thrills.

The aim of the sport is to swing higher and further than anyone else. The arms are made of steel so making the 360 degree full swing which looks temptingly dangerous as a kid, is certainly possible when kiiking.

One of the challenges of the sport is that the longer the arms are, the more difficult it is to gain enough momentum to swing all the way over. Competitors thus adjust the steel arms to the length they would like in order to reach maximum heights.

The sport requires extreme upper arm strength so it is not something anybody can try out. Still, if you are heading to Baltic Europe, you’ll notice more swings in public parks than anywhere else in Europe. You can also rent a kiiking set to give the sport ago yourself.

You can watch a clip of the Estonian extreme sport here: