A Romantic Evening in Paris

Photo by Robin Benzrihem on Unsplash

The nights of Paris are romantic, bustling, and fun. Spending an evening in the City of Lights is an amazing experience that anyone can enjoy. Here are some ideas on how to spend a summer evening in this beautiful city.

Visit a Secret Cocktail Bar

Parisians are in love with cocktails, and the city is full of cocktail bars. In many cases, the bars are special, varied, and the cocktails are particularly delicious. The most trendy places do not appear in tourist guides, and sometimes even include a secret entrance! Ask your hotel staff for recommendations.

Oyster Dinner and White Wine

Many brasseries and bars offer wine and oyster deals, as a great opening to a hot evening. A dozen oysters and white wine on ice, are just a dream come true.

Walk Through the Alleys of the Marais

The Marais district is trendy, lively, and beautiful. In the evening, shortly after sunset, this pleasant quarter is changing its atmosphere, the bars open into the streets, and the Parisians sip wine at tables on the sidewalk along with sausage and cheese. Join them for a calm and delicious start to your evening.