5 of the Coolest Bridges in the World

Bridges are the architectural and engineering wonders that we use every day and rarely think about, yet some of them are true pieces of art. This is our top 3 list of the coolest, most unique bridges of the world!

Hoa Phu, Vietnam

Hoa Phu, or the Golden Bridge, is a spectacular bridge in Vietnam that is supported by two enormous hands, creating a surreal experience for people who pass it. It’s not all about aesthetic awesomeness, too – the giant hands are supposed to symbolize the presence of God.

Rakotzbrucke, Germany

This nineteen-century bridge is a fairytale-like “devil’s bridge” tucked away in Kromlau Park, Germany. In the past, devil’s bridges, or bridges with perfect parabolas, were considered so impossible to build that only the devil could have helped with their construction in exchange for the soul of the first human who crosses the bridge.

Viaduc de Millau, France

In addition to being the tallest, Viaduc de Millau in France is possibly the most elegant bridge in the world. Widely considered a masterpiece and one of the greatest feats of engineering, it was built as a solution to holiday traffic between Paris and Spain. Driving over offers an amazing feeling like you’re in the clouds.