5 Essential Tips For Traveling India

Kolkata, India. Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

India is a vast continent, full of culture color and places to explore. Whether you choose the hustle-bustle of Calcutta or the lush and serene Kerala, there are a few things to remember before you go.

Pack Charcoal Tablets

The traditional food in India is curry, which can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There may be bacteria in the food or water and this may cause the notorious “Deli Belly”.

Charcoal tablets will quickly absorb any bad bits left over. As you may be eating with your hand, make sure you wash them before and after eating. Also, always check the bottled water is properly sealed before you buy.

Prepare Thoroughly

People will tell you to prepare for a culture shock and these are wise words. Parts of India are very different from the Western world. You may find extreme poverty, intensive begging, dirt, poor air quality and roads crowded with people, cars and bikes. The more you understand what to expect, the more you can embrace the differences and enjoy some of the most splendid sights the world has to offer. Keep an open mind and enjoy.

Be Respectful

Being respectful to other cultures and religions is important wherever you travel in the world. Make sure you understand when to dress more conservatively and cover your shoulders in temples and other religious areas. Also, make sure you take your shoes off.

Exercise Caution

There are scams and petty crime, especially in the busier cities. Watch out for pickpocketers and fake tickets to tourist destinations. If in doubt, wait until you get to the attraction and buy from the official ticket office. Fake guides outside tourist areas may also try and charge you for showing you around.

Learn The Non-Verbal Language

In many parts of the world, we are used to a nod or shake of the head to say “yes” or “no”. In India, locals will waggle their head, which can mean a host of different things. If you want to understand the non-verbal communication (especially when there may be a language barrier), have a look on YouTube to decipher what the different movements mean.