5 Delicious Traditional Desserts to Try in Brazil

Photo by Victor Rutka on Unsplash

If you’re a traveler with a sweet tooth, you’ll feel right at home in Brazil. This country is home to some of the most delicious desserts you’ll ever get to taste, and here are a few you shouldn’t miss for the world.


The national truffles of Brazil are made with milk, cocoa powder, and butter, and they’re instantly recognizable thanks to their chocolate sprinkle-covered outside layer.


This is another popular Brazilian truffle, and what makes them different from brigadeiro is that they’re made with coconut instead of cocoa powder.


If you want to take a break from truffles, make sure to try this delicious dessert that will catch your eye with its glistening surface and intense yellow color.

Bolo de Rolo

This sponge cake is extremely popular in Brazil, and it consists of several fine layers filled with guava, marmalade and other delicious ingredients.


This is another coconut candy that’s popular in Latin America. It’s usually made with eggs and shredded coconut, but other ingredients can be added to change its taste and color.